If Up Two Us #3 (Tesco)

In this week's #IfUpTwoUs review of how we would direct a brand, we take a look at Tesco. Create new values Rethink advertising strategies Tesco feature high on the list of companies with poor sentiment.  This is the result of an accounting scandal in 2014. If you were to look at a list of unpopular brands you would find... Continue Reading →

Wishing bog-off to the pop-up

If you hear of anyone advocating pop-ups, it's because they cause some leads to become sales.   But, if you find someone is against pop-ups, it's because they are human, and have used the internet.   The only time a pop-up should be shoved in someone's face is when it acts as an alert. A... Continue Reading →

If Up Two Us #2 (Sports Direct)

We take a weekly look at two things we would do for a known brand, with #IfUpTwoUs This week Sports Direct.  Having suffered several bouts of bad press recently, we suggest now is a good time to rebrand. 1.  Rebrand Introduce a more personal image in support of improved brand values and better public perception. (see... Continue Reading →

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